
Timber Works
Niemcy, Monachium
The "Timber Works" commercial project, which is planned in timber hybrid construction, is being built on a plot of around 6,500 m² at Pelkovenstraße 148 and comprises more than 9,650 m² of gross floor area. The property is located in the district of Moosach directly at the subway station "Olympia Einkaufszentrum" and opposite the Olympia shopping center (OEZ). In addition to the environmentally friendly wood-hybrid construction, “Timber Works” relies on a renewable energy supply through photovoltaics, heat pumps and modern storage media, as well as sustainable water management. Visible wooden surfaces and a flexible room layout create the best conditions for the new way of working.
Hafeninsel V - Kaufmannshof
Niemcy, Mainz
An ensemble comprising apartments and commercial space is currently under development in the former Mainz customs harbour, on the old harbour basin. Surrounded on three sides by water, it transforms maritime flair into reality. With its clinker facade, the building reflects the history and architecture of the old Mainz customs port. Forty-five condominiums are planned, including five as townhouses. Construction is expected to start in mid-2020.
Timber Pioneer
Niemcy, Frankfurt
Frankfurt's first office building in wood hybrid construction! A working atmosphere to feel good in and a CO₂ balance that is something to be proud of. The Timber Pioneer's wood-hybrid construction makes health and sustainability in the workplace the new state of the art.
voco The Hague Kneuterdijk
Niderlandy, Haga
The charming building from the 1920s will be developed into a 4-star business Hotel with over 200 rooms. We want the voco hotel to become a center for travellers as well as a gastronomic hotspot for locals.
Mercure Katowice Centrum
Polska, Katowice
Pod mottem “green and clean” nasz hotel budowany jest w samym sercu aglomeracji. Projekt spełnia najwyższe wymogi w kwestii zrównoważonego budownictwa – takich jak naturalne materiały i stylowe meble zrobione z materiałów z recyklingu. Przylegająca do hotelu część biurowa oferuje nowoczesną, otwartą przestrzeń o łącznej powierzchni ok. 2,800m².
F.A.Z. Tower
Niemcy, Frankfurt
UBM is developing the F.A.Z. Tower in Frankfurt's sought-after Europaviertel. The architecturally impressive large-scale project will be the new headquarters of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (F.A.Z.). A further 15,000 m² of office space will be created in an adjacent building section. The project was designed by the Berlin architectural firm Eike Becker_Architekten.
siebenbrunnen 21.
Austria, Wiedeń
Siebenbrunnengasse is in the middle of Margareten - and Margareten is in the middle of the city. In this cozy neighborhood with numerous restaurants and cafés, UBM has developed 165 apartments, 13 studios (commercial living) and 3 commercial spaces at Siebenbrunnengasse 21.
NeuHouse Berlin
Niemcy, Berlin
An extraordinary ensemble of a listed building and a new building in the centre of Berlin. Classic historic building meets modern, dynamic design in the new building. High-quality features in both parts, almost all apartments have a balcony or terrace. 6 small commercial units are located on the ground floor of the new building.
Mainz Zollhafen Hotel
Niemcy, Mainz
A comfortable budget hotel is under construction in Mainz's former customs harbour. Typical harbour-style architectonic features ensure the project will fit in perfectly with the surroundings. On the ground floor, 2 or 3 commercial units will be available. Energy efficiency and sustainability are given top priority and are backed by a targeted DGNB Silver certification.
Hotel Andaz Prague - Sugar Palace
Czechy, Praga
The former office building constructed in the years 1912-1916 for the Sugar Industry Insurance Association will be refurbished and converted into a luxury 175 key hotel. The neoclassical building was built according to the design of architects Josef Zasche and Theodor Fischer. The facade sculptures were created by the German sculptor Franz Metzner. The irregular pentagonal building extended along its longitude axes encloses two courtyards and attaches to the Henry’s Tower (Jindřišská věž) by the open archway at its narrow western end. The building was categorised as a listed cultural monument by the Ministry of Culture in 1993.
Austria, Wiedeń
The "Nordbahnviertel" in Vienna's 2nd district is Vienna's largest inner-city development area with a total area of 85 hectares, close to the pulsating city centre and only a few minutes away from the recreation area Prater or Donauinsel. UBM develops three buildings with a total of 181 apartments on the construction site eight.
Austria, Wiedeń
Beautiful living in solid and timber construction: On the Baranygasse 7 in Vienna‘s 22nd district, 126 high-quality apartments are under construction for people who want to live in the city but still enjoy green surroundings. The barany.7 project also reflects the coming megatrend towards greening. Issues like energy efficiency are accompanied by the growing use of ecological building materials. For example: one of the buildings with 12 units will be built with sustainable, energy-saving wood construction. This project was sold to BUWOG for around €36m and is expected to be handed over to the tenants in the fourth quarter of 2021.
Czechy, Praga
Modern living on Grafická Strasse in in the Smichov District: Neugraf stands out with its private wellness area, inner courtyard and green rooftop terrace as well as 24/7 reception and high security standards.
Hotel Andel's Kraków
Polska, Kraków
Nowoczesna bryła budynku z powodzeniem wpisuje się w architekturę nowopowstałej przestrzeni publicznej Krakowa., nazywanej "bramą wjazdową do serca miasta". Wraz z Krakowskim Centrum Komunikacyjnym, Galerią Krakowską zespołem biurowym i luksusowymi apartamentowcami tworzą Nowe Miasto.
Radisson Blu Wrocław
Polska, Wrocław
Hotel położony jest w centrum Wrocławia, w pobliżu słynnej Panoramy Racławickiej. Posiada dużą restaurację , która latem otwiera również swój ogródek. W hotelu znajduje się kilka sal konferencyjnych, centrum biznesowe, centrum fitness z sauną oraz parking podziemny.
Pilot Tower
Polska, Kraków
Pilot Tower składa się z pionowych pilastrów wykonanych z patynowanej miedzi, które zwężają się ku górze fasady. Ten unikalny projekt architektoniczny wyróżnia się też eko certyfikatem LEED Platinum.
Griffin House
Polska, Warszawa
W 2005 roku została odrestaurowana neorenesansowa kamienica projektu Józefa Husa. Rewitalizacja przywróciła dawny blask kamienicy, a UBM umocnił swoją pozycję na rynku i dodatkowo pozyskał sympatię varsavianistów.
Park Inn Radisson Kraków
Polska, Kraków
Ten designerski hotel z niezwykłą fasadą znajduje się w centrum Krakowa i oferuje doskonałe połączenia komunikacji miejskiej. Park Inn posiada restaurację, sale konferencyjne, centrum fitness z sauną oraz podziemny garaż z parkingiem dla 71 samochodów.
Austria, Wiedeń
Budynek mieszkalny „Der Rosenhügel” stworzy nową, pełną życia dzielnicę miasta z niemal dwustoma finansowanymi przez inwestorów prywatnych mieszkaniami. Bogata oferta usług w najbliższej okolicy oraz atrakcyjne tereny zielone zapewnią wysoki poziom życia.
Niemcy, Mainz
Fantastyczna lokalizacja przy placu Rotterdamskim, tuż koło portu i w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie Renu. Projekt tworzą 82 różnej wielkości mieszkania z dostosowanym do indywidualnych potrzeb rozkładem. Dodatkowym atutem są zapierające dech w piersiach widoki z tarasów i balkonów. Projekt uzupełnia parking podziemny z 48 stanowiskami i duży parking na rowery, a także starannie zaprojektowany dziedziniec z dużą ilością zieleni i prywatnymi ogrodami.
immergrün Berlin
Niemcy, Berlin, Pankow
Budynek mieszkalny z nowoczesną elewacją o przeszklonych o oknach od sufitu do podłogi. Uwidocznione elementy betonowe i drewniane podkreślają nowoczesny charakter budynku. Zielone otoczenie i balkony z zainstalowanymi donicami. Funkcjonalny rozkład kondygnacji z 1-4 pokojowymi mieszkaniami o metrażu od 45 m² do 125 m². Klasa wydajności energetycznej KfW 55 zgodnie z dyrektywą EnEV (2016), świadcząca o wysokim stopniu przyjazności projektu dla środowiska.
Zalando Headquarter
Niemcy, Berlin, Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg
Nowa centrala Zalando, wyznacza nowe standardy pod względem rozwiązań architektonicznych i wyposażenia technicznego. Salon do prezentacji produktów, audytorium, otwarte przestrzenie robocze, pomieszczenia rekreacyjne, przedszkole, strefa gastronomiczna, podziemny parking - wszystko to w centrum Berlina. Planowane jest uzyskanie „złotego” certyfikatu DGNB.
QBC 1&2
Austria, Wiedeń
Przestrzeń biurowa budynków QBC 1 i 2 oferuje najwyższy poziom elastyczności. Wszystkie powierzchnie biur mogą być zaadaptowane do indywidualnych wymogów klientów. Cechą wyróżniającą budynki QBC 1 + 2 są dostępne dla wszystkich najemców tarasy dachowe ze wspaniałym widokiem na Wiedeń.
Holiday Inn Hamburg Berliner Tor
Niemcy, Borgfelde, Hamburg
Na położonej w centrum Hamburga ulicy Eiffestraße powstają obecnie dwa hotele. Zarówno Holiday Inn, jak i Super 8 zostały zaprojektowane z uwzględnieniem koncepcji nowoczesnego, otwartego lobby, oraz z zastosowaniem wysokich standardów środowiskowych. Typowe, klinkierowe fasady obydwu projektów wtapiają je harmonijnie w przeważającą w tym regionie architekturę.
Ibis Styles Kraków Centrum
Polska, Kraków
Położony w doskonałym punkcie komunikacyjnym Krakowa budynek hotelu Ibis Style będzie oferował 259 pokoi. Idealna lokalizacja sprawia, że będzie on służył zarówno turystom jak i gościom biznesowym. Goście będą mieli do dyspozycji dwukondygnacyjny parking podziemny ze 179 miejscami postojowymi oraz 20 miejscami dla rowerów, co pozwoli uczynić z hotelu idealną bazę turystyczną do zwiedzania nie tylko Krakowa, ale również jego dalszych okolic. Na zmotoryzowanych gości będą także czekać stanowiska do ładowania samochodów elektrycznych.
Radisson Blu Kraków
Polska, Kraków
Ten pięciogwiazdkowy hotel położony jest w ścisłym centrum Krakowa, na przeciw Filharmonii, a od Rynku dzieli go tylko minuta spaceru. Hotel oferuje 196 pokoi, dwie restauracje, bar, przestrzeń konferencyjną oraz fitness.
Holiday Inn Warsaw City Center
Polska, Warszawa
W centrum Warszawy UBM wybudował hotel, którego inspiracją był nowojorski Flatiron. Budynek jest doskonale zlokalizowany - tuż przy centrach biznesowych, galeriach handlowych, Dworcu Centralnym, a także wielu miejskich atrakcjach. Najciekawsze i najbardziej prestiżowe pokoje hotelu znajdują się w narożnej części budynku.
Holiday Inn Gdansk City Center
Polska, Gdansk
Hotel położony jest w samym sercu Gdańska, na północnym cyplu Wyspy Spichrzów. Jest to wyjątkowe miejsce ze względu na historyczne otoczenie i widok na miasto. Ideą projektu jest połączenie nowoczesnego budynku z istniejącymi zabytkowymi elementami oraz wpasowanie w historyczną strukturę Starego Miasta.
Astrid Office
Czechy, Praga
Astrid Office is an exceptional intimate project in the heart of Holešovice. The combination of unique architecture and state of the art technologies formed more than just a building, it but synergized in living space where you enjoy to create, make decisions, plan and discuss. The office building consists of five above ground and two underground floors. Extensive glazed areas with the use of outdoor vertical lamellas and horizontal louvers on the building façade provide very pleasant natural light. The main entrance with reception desk and spacious lobby reflect the airiness and light of all rental areas. There are several co-working spots available within the building including the lobby, the common green areas and roof terrace to network and find inspiration.
Am Kanal Potsdam
Niemcy, Potsdam
In the historic inner city area of Potsdam, the capital of Brandenburg, UBM Development developed a hotel and flat project in cooperation with a family office. Conveniently located on the street Am Kanal, the hotel offers space for 198 rooms on five upper floors. On the ground floor, guests are welcomed in a spacious and open lobby and breakfast area. Along Französische Straße 126 flats have been created. Guests and flat users can park their vehicles in the basement. DGNB Gold certification is being sought.
Pendling residential park
Austria, Kufstein
The Pendling residential park is a modern and attractive residential complex with 62 high-quality apartments, which have been generously divided into 3 structures. The contemporary architecture combined with attractive floor plans immediately catch the eye. Not only spacious roof terrace apartments provide a nice feeling for life, but all light-flooded apartments with wonderful views and spacious balconies as well as the idyllic private gardens of the ground floor apartments. The location directly on the Inn promenade is unique. The modern residential complex also has many other amenities and extras.
Kotlarska 11
Polska, Kraków
Kotlarska 11 to 5-piętrowy budynek biurowy, położony na skraju dwóch dzielnic: modnego Kazimierza oraz Podgórza. Projekt został wykonany przez znaną krakowską pracownię architektoniczną ‘Ingarden & Ewý’. Budynek sąsiaduje z Galerią Kazimierz oraz dogodnymi punktami komunikacyjnymi.
Poleczki Park
Polska, Warszawa
Ten największy park biznesowy w Polsce położony jest w Warszawie niedaleko lotniska i tras szybkiego ruchu. Ten nowoczesny kompleks, posiadający certyfikat Leed Platinum, to 'miasteczko w mieście', dla którego inspiracją była idea miasta-ogrodu. Projekt tworzy 6 budynków biurowych, hotel, oraz parking.
Czechy, Praga
The original building was constructed in 1891 by Franz Waldek von Waldried in a place whose history dates back to the time when the New Town of Prague was created at the end of the 14th century. The modern building was completed in 1996 and includes a business unit, a restaurant in the basement and over 5,000 m² of office space on seven floors. An attractive glass atrium in the middle of the building is the attraction for every visitor.
Austria, Wiedeń
In a unique location in the 12th district of Vienna, affordable housing will be created for urban users by September 2021. The residential complex with a total of 121 rental apartments is characterized not only by the excellent location and good infrastructure in the immediate vicinity, but also by a large green courtyard, which is equipped with a children's playground. On the ground floor there is a modern Merkur market and the Meidlinger Hauptstraße, the fifth largest shopping street in Vienna, is right outside the door. The project is just a 5-minute walk from the Meidling train station, one of the central train hubs in Vienna. The subway is perfectly accessible within walking distance.
Office Provider
Austria, Wiedeń
This property in Vienna‘s Favoriten district was acquired in early 2017 and transformed into an office world 4.0 within two years. The comprehensive refurbishment included the creation of a modern open-space office world, where UBM benefited greatly from its hotel know-how. Both the entrance area and the staff lounge of the new UBM headquarters are reminiscent of a hotel lobby. "Office Provider" is located in the "Monte Laa" urban development area and is optimally connected to the public transport network by bus and subway within walking distance.
Austria, Graz, Gries
In the booming 5th district Gries 201 high-quality privately financed condominiums between 25 and 80 square meters are being developed. The project “Rankencity” is being realized in cooperation with NHD Immobilien and globally marketed to institutional investors.
The Brick Hamburg
Niemcy, Hamburg
The project is characterised by urban industrial architecture with clinker facade and a loft character. Residents can enjoy the community roof garden. All apartments are built with modern features with multi-layer parquet and underfloor heating. The project is yet quietly located in a green but also in a lively district.
Hyatt Regency Amsterdam
Niderlandy, Amsterdam
The representative five-star hotel is located in Amsterdam's old city near the business district and enjoys excellent links to public transport. The construction and operation both have a strong focus on sustainability: the UBM project was awarded the BREEAM certificate in the category "Excellent".
Quartier Riedenburg
Austria, Salzburg
A modern residential quarter with spacious open areas was developed on the grounds of the former Riedenburg military barracks. It has become a green oasis for residents and visitors near Salzburg's historical city centre. The approx. 35,000 m² in the Riedenburg barracks will create affordable housing for young families, singles, single parents and senior citizens.
InterContinental Warszawa
Polska, Warszawa
Hotel InterContinental znajduje się w ścisłym centrum miasta, w pobliżu Pałacu Kultury i Nauki oraz Dworca Głównego. Dzięki 45 kondygnacjom jest nie tylko jednym z najwyższych budynków w Warszawie, ale także architektoniczną ikoną miasta.
Holiday Inn Express Berlin Alexanderplatz
Niemcy, Berlin
The Holiday Inn is located close to Alexander Square - with its landmark television tower, one of the most popular meeting places for visitors to Berlin. This 185-room hotel is the first project to realise the new generation "4 Design Guidelines".
Holiday Inn Express Munich City West
Niemcy, Monachium
This seven-storey hotel is one of the largest of its type in Europe. It is conveniently situated in the Neuhausen district of Munich. The bar area near the facade on Friedenheimer Bridge is a popular meeting point not only for the hotel's guests, but also for passers-by.
Palais Hansen
Austria, Wiedeń
With 152 rooms and suites, spacious seminar rooms, a ballroom and a spa, the Palais Hanson has provided its guests with an incomparable and exclusive atmosphere since 2013. The luxury apartments on the two top floors also benefit from the hotel services. In addition to high-quality space, which is very rare in a location like this, the rooms and apartments offer a magnificent view.
Austria, Wiedeń
The "Monte Laa" development zone, one of the fastest growing residential quarters in Vienna, is located close to the Laaer Wald recreational area. The realisation of this urban planning vision is now entering the next phase: under the "My Sky" brand, 128 privately financed residential units were constructed by the end of 2017. From the 10th floor upwards residents in the 20-storey high-rise enjoy a wide-ranging view across Vienna. Modern student accommodations as well as subsidized apartments are also an integral part of the concept. All residential units were sold by the end of 2018 and transferred to the new owners.
Anders Wohnen München
Niemcy, Monachium, Pasing
Former industrial estate in the west of Munich, which was rededicated by Münchner Grund in partnership with Baywobau Immobilien AG. Subsidized and privately financed condominium construction and subsidized rental flats with 1 - 5-room apartments ranging from 34-129 m² in two stages. Functional floor plans with open kitchens, oak floors, underfloor heating, floor-level showers etc.
Leuchtenbergring - Office
Niemcy, Monachium
The Leuchtenbergring Office is part of a newly created building ensemble consisting of hotel, retail and offices in the heart of the Munich district of Haidhausen. In addition to the high-quality office standard and a generous green roof garden with a high quality of stay, the good location with excellent transport connections and local supply ensures that the LEED Gold certified building is quickly fully let.
Holiday Inn Frankfurt Alte Oper
Niemcy, Frankfurt
This contemporary, ecologically oriented design hotel is located in close proximity to the main railway station and 10-15 walking minutes from the old city centre and exhibition grounds. The rooms have a comfortable and warm atmosphere due to the natural materials used and create a relaxed atmosphere for business and leisure travellers.
Kempinski Jochberg
Austria, Jochberg
Located close to the lively Kitzbühel golf and ski resort, the hotel stands out with its modern architecture and delicate regional accents as well as a unique location directly on one of Europe's most popular ski slopes. The luxurious rooms and suites offer an extraordinary view of the majestic Tyrolean alps.
Dream Castle Paris
Francja, Paryż
This four-star hotel has 397 rooms and is located in a green area close to Disneyland Paris. The 621 m² of conference space provide added support for good occupancy.
Dorfschmiede St. Johann
Austria, St. Johann
In the heart of the Alps at the centre of St. Johann, a modern residential and commercial project was developed for sophisticated demands. The "Dorfschmiede St. Johann" consists of two buildings with 39 apartments and 400 m² of commercial areas on the ground floor. With its unique design, it is optimally integrated into the local cityscape.
Residential Building Satteins-Viola
Austria, Satteins
The residential project consists of 4 buildings with 36 apartments and a shared underground garage with space for 43 cars: Buildings A and B are constructed by the Wohnbauselbsthilfe and consist of 21 affordable condominium apartments and parking spaces for 21 cars. Buildings C and D consist of 17 apartments and parking spaces for 22 cars and are constructed by UBM Development.
Polska, Wrocław
Kompleks Pegaz położony jest niecałe 500 m od wrocławskiego Starego Rynku. Zarówno fasada, jak i wnętrza inspirowane są współczesnym wzornictwem. Pegaz posiada certyfikat ‘Leed Platinum’, a w konkursie „Piękny Wrocław 2016” zajął I miejsce w kategorii „Budynki użyteczności publicznej”.
Holiday Inn Munich Westpark
Niemcy, Monachium
This modern design hotel in the Sendlig district is an optimal location for business travellers as well as tourists. Good underground connections provide convenient access to the exhibition grounds and inner city. In addition to a restaurant, bar and underground garage, the "Angelo" also has eight conference rooms.
CCG Nord
Austria, Graz-Umgebung
A joint venture between Cargo Center Graz (CCG) and UBM Development Österreich is currently developing the area north of the CCG. This project will meet the rising demand by the retail trade, industrial firms and logistics companies for specially designed logistics properties.
Crowne Plaza Amsterdam South
Niderlandy, Amsterdam
This sophisticated business hotel has 12 stories and is operated by the Intercontinental Group. It is located in the "Amsterdam South-Axis“ office and business quarter. With its address - Gerschwinlaan - and industry-inspired architecture, the inspiration for the design is clear: New York, Gershwin and his times.
Magic Circus Paris
Francja, Paryż
This four-star hotel has 396 rooms and is located in a green area close to Disneyland Paris. The 640 m² of conference space provide added support for good occupancy.
Holiday Inn Munich Leuchtenbergring
Niemcy, Monachium
The Leuchtenbergring project involves the extension of the existing hotel to include an additional 131 rooms, a fitness area and space for the current service areas. The green roof garden will give tenants and guests a welcome place to relax and enjoy the sun. The adjoining new building will house high-quality office and retail space. The many users will also benefit from perfect airport connections and local amenities.
Dock 01
Czechy, Praga
This unique project was a joint venture of the two renowned developers UBM Bohemia Development s.r.o. and Crestyl real estate s.r.o.. It is a modern administrative building near the Prague city center. The building is LEED Gold certified and meets energy efficiency category A. It stands out from the surrounding conventional buildings through its atmosphere due to its location near the Vltava river and the surrounding greenery.
WA Terfens-Roan
Austria, Terfens-Roan
In the Tyrolean community of Terfens, WA Terfens-Roan Immobilien GmbH is developing a residential complex with 20 condominium apartments. Part of the apartments will be sold  in line with the guidelines provided by Tyrolean residential construction subsidy regulations (“Wohnbauförderung”, subsidies for specific groups of persons). The complex consists of two buildings with a total of 30 underground parking spaces as well as common areas and a playground.
WA Bad Häring
Austria, Bad Haering
In the Tyrolean community of Bad Häring, WA Bad Häring Immobilien GmbH is currently developing a residential complex with 18 affordable condominium apartments. The complex consists of two buildings which are connected by a shared underground garage with parking for 32 cars. Common areas and a playground are located on the grounds between the buildings.
Austria, Andritz, Graz
Only a few steps away from your front door, you can find peace and relaxation by just listening to sounds of the Mur River. These 37 high-quality apartments are extremely appealing with their light, sunny alignment and attractive, modern architecture. The south-west orientation of the residential complex creates a carefree, relaxed atmosphere.
Andel City Office
Czechy, Praga
In three construction stages, this unique project changed the character of the entire Smíchov neighborhood and created a new center on the grounds of the original Tatra factory complex. It includes office buildings, a cinema, hotels as well as a three-story underground parking with a total area of 14,435 sqm and 413 parking spaces
Andel City Residence
Czechy, Praga
Anděl City residence consists of two buildings with 106 and 109 residential units, respectively. Highlights of its distinctive architectural features are the elliptical corner arc,  recessed top floor, and spacious terraces.
Le Palais
Czechy, Praga
This first-class hotel with 60 rooms and 12 apartments was built on the site of a historic, listed palace whose history dates back to 1897. Later the palace was rebuilt in the style of the Belle Époque and decorated with beautiful ceiling frescos by the famous Czech painter Luděk Marold.
Apartments Medvedin
Czechy, Medvedin
The complex of four buildings in an unmistakable architectural style with 110 apartments and a café, coupled with 116 underground parking spaces, is located close to the ski slopes in Spindleruv Mlyn.