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about us.

UBM hotels Management GmbH was founded in 2016 to bundle the group’s operational know-how and hotel lease operations under one umbrella.

Hotel management as the lessee in a “sandwich model“ with a management contract

The business model covers consulting for UBM Development AG on the acquisition, construction, branding and sale of new hotels and hotel properties. It also includes the management of hotels under a “sandwich model“, in which UBM hotels acts as the lessee between the hotel investor and the international hotel operator who is responsible for the hotel’s management.

In this “sandwich position“, UBM hotels carries the entrepreneurial risk for hotel operations by guaranteeing a fixed lease payment for the hotel’s buyer/owner. UBM’s professional performance and asset management are the key to generating sustainable returns over the entire term of these contracts, which normally cover 20 years.


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Active hotel management through franchise contracts

In addition to management contracts, UBM hotels also joins together with partners to conclude franchise contracts with international hotel operators and, in this way, takes an active role in the management of selected projects.

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Restructuring for existing hotel operations

UBM hotels focuses not only on the operation of newly constructed hotels, but also on services for existing hotels. These activities are designed to achieve a repositioning through restructuring, rebranding and/or renovation – and, in this way, improve the hotel’s performance and value.

Core markets and products

UBM hotels is active in the 3 and 4 star segments, above all in major cities in the core markets of Germany, Austria and Poland. In line with the “follow your customer“ approach, projects are also evaluated, as required, in other Central European countries like the Netherlands and in other categories.

UBM – THE partner for hotel development

This comprehensive range of services from development to hotel operations supports UBM’s position as a competent operator and partner throughout the entire lifecycle of hotel projects.



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UBM hotels is proud to work with several international investors. These include the following:

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Andreas Mayr
Managing Director Finance Andreas Mayr
Martina Maly-Gärtner
Management / Operations & Strategy Martina Maly-Gärtner


UBM hotels
Laaer-Berg-Strasse 43, 1100 Vienna
Phone: +43 50 1873 100