5.50% sustainability-linked hybrid bond 2021.

Key data

 Issuer UBM Development AG
 Rank Direct, unsecured and subordinated, junior to senior obligations and any other subordinated obligations expressed to rank senior to the Notes, pari passu with any obligations expressed to rank equal to the Notes (including UBM’s existing hybrids) and senior to all classes of share capital
 Rating Not rated
 Pricing Date 11 June 2021
 Settlement date 18 June 2021
 Call Schedule Par calls in the 90 day period ending on (and including) 18 June 2026 (the ‘First Call Date’) and every interest payment date thereafter
 Issue size EUR 100 million
 Maturity Date Perpetual
 Annual Re-Offer Yield to First Reset 5.50%
 Re-offer price 100.00%
 Coupon 5.50%, payable annually in arrears, reset on the First Reset Date and every 5 years thereafter, to the 5-year Euro Mid-Swap rate + initial credit spread + 500bps step-up
Initial Credit Spread 580.5bps
 Sustainability Link For every year that the Issuer’s ESG ratings are (i) below C+ by ISS and Gold by EcoVadis (if initial rating assigned) or (ii) withdrawn and not replaced, a 15 bps premium is added to the redemption amount
 Governing law Austrian
 Listing Vienna Stock Exchange, Austria
 Denominations EUR 100k + EUR 100k
 Target Market Manufacturer target market (MIFID II / UK MIFIR product governance) is eligible counterparties and professional investors only (all distribution channels). No EU PRIIPs or UK PRIIPs key information document (KID) has been prepared as not available to retail in EEA or the UK.